Pre-Wedding Photo Shoot

When a couple chooses us to shoot their wedding, often a perfect opportunity to get to know us and what you can expect from us is to plan a pre-wedding shoot. This involves taking the couple to a location where we can spend some time taking a variety of different shots. It’s a good idea to not only bring along at least one change of clothes but also we help you choose a location that’s quite different from the location you will use on your wedding day. After the shoot, we present some of the best shots to you with a few different poses or themes. We can then use your favourite image to frame and present at on your wedding day or use one of the pictures for your invitations, place cards or table cards.

Kylie & Con

Sydney Observatory Hill

In the first example below, just a few weeks before their wedding, we spent an hour or two with Kylie & Con to capture a few shots at Sydney’s Observatory Hill. We used some of these pictures for a guest book and table cards for the wedding reception.
Hi Emmanuel, Thank you… looks awesome” Kylie & Con, Wattle Grove

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